7 Spring flowering bulbs to plant in Autumn

Autumn is upon us again, and it’s the time of year to get out into your garden and plant some beautiful Spring flowering bulbs. There are many varieties of Spring flowering bulbs to choose from and I’ve listed some gardener’s favourites below.

  • 1. Snowdrop


    Snowdrops are a delicate and dainty white flower that add some much-needed life to your garden at the start of the year. Planting Snowdrop bulbs between September and December results in flowers between January and March.

  • 2. Crocus


    Spring flowering Crocuses can be found in yellow, white and purple hues and provide food in your garden for early insects. When planted between September and October they should flower between February and March.

  • 3. Iris

    dwarf Iris

    Dwarf Irises can be found in purple, yellow and blue hues. They are striking little flowers that associate well with Snowdrops. Dwarf Iris bulbs planted between September and December should result in February and March flowers.

  • 4. Daffodil


    Nothing welcomes in the Spring more than a bright yellow cluster of Daffodils growing in your garden. Daffodil bulbs that are planted in August or September should flower between February and May.

  • 5. Tulip


    Tulips are tall cup-shaped spring-flowering bulbs that feature regularly in gardens across Europe. Tulips grow in a variety of bright colours including red, yellow, white, pink and purple. The best time to plant Tulips is between September and November and they flower between February and May.

  • 6. Hyacinth


    Hyacinths are a fragrant and bulbous spring flower that can be found in a variety of colours. This flower grows well in containers in addition to garden borders and rockeries. If planted between September and December Hyacinths should flower in April and May.

  • 7. Allium


    Alliums are tall plants with beautiful round flowering heads. This flower is purple, pink and white in colour and is a stunning feature in garden borders. The best time to plant Allium bulbs is in September or October, they then flower between May and July.

Last year we planted Snowdrops, Crocuses, Daffodils and Alliums and it was lovely to see a splash of colour in the garden at Springtime. The only bulbs that didn’t grow very well were the snowdrops, but we may try to grow them again this year. What are your favourite Spring flowering bulbs?